Ross Farnworth Sacred Choral Music
I Believe In Christ - Rehearsal MP3s
To download a specific MP3, click or tap on the name below, then click or tap "Download" on the right.
If you wish to download all of them at once, please click or tap "Download Album".
These MP3 files begin at measure 73, just before the arrangement breaks into parts.
This is a new setting for the hymn text.
Soprano/Tenor Duet (in D) with flute
Duet (in C) with flute
SATB with flute
SATB Rehearsal MP3s
To download a specific MP3, click or tap on the name below, then click or tap "Download" or "Free" on the right.
If you wish to download all of them at once, please click or tap "Download Album".
These MP3 files begin at measure 73, just before the arrangement breaks into parts.